ánh tuyết nguyễn
·  For questions 1 – 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap.Legal fight hits music piratesThe global recording industry has launched its largest wave of legal (1) _______ against people suspected of sharing music files on the internet. The latest move by the International Federation of the photographic Industry (IFPI) (2) _______ 2,100 alleged uploaders using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in16 nations (3) ___________ the UK, France, Germany and Italy. Tho...
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Thu Hồng
5 tháng 9 2021 lúc 1:19

The tourist industry is considered to be the world’s largest industry. The direct (1) .......economic............. impact of the industry, including accommodation, transportation, entertainment, and attractions, is worth trillions of dollars every year. The statistics show that the number of international tourist (2) ............arrivals........ worldwide reached 1.04 billion in 2012.

Such large (3) ...........numbers......... of tourists, however, are beginning to cause problems. For example, in the Alps the many thousands of skiers are (4) .......destroying............. the mountains they came to enjoy. Even parts of Mount Everest in the Himalayas are reported to be covered (5) .......with.............  old food tins, tents, and pieces of equipment that have been (6) ...thrown................ away. At a time when we have greater freedom to travel (7) ...........than......... ever before, more and more people are asking how they can enjoy their holidays (8) ............without........ causing damage to their destinations.

Now there is a new holiday guide(9) .......called............. "Holidays That Don't Cost The Earth". It tells you how you can be a responsible tourist by asking your travel agent or your tour (10) ........advisor............ the right questions before you book a holiday.

          1.     A. national               B. educational          C. economic           D. cultural

           2.    A. arrivals                B. deliveries            C. comings              D. figures

           3.    A. totals                    B. numbers               C. amounts              D. digits

           4.    A. bending               B. destroying           C. fixing                  D. hurting

           5.    A. for                        B. on                         C. with                     D. below

           6.    A. put                        B. tidied                     C. given                   D. thrown

           7.    A. than                      B. when                    C. then                     D. while

           8.    A. outside                B. instead                 C. beside                 D. without

           9.    A. called                   B. known                  C. termed                D.described

           10. A. advisor                 B. director                C. operator              D. worker

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Thu Hồng
5 tháng 9 2021 lúc 1:22

Ngành du lịch được coi là ngành công nghiệp lớn nhất thế giới. Tác động trực tiếp (1) ....... về kinh tế ............. của ngành, bao gồm chỗ ở, giao thông, giải trí và các điểm tham quan, trị giá hàng nghìn tỷ đô la mỗi năm. Số liệu thống kê cho thấy số lượng (2) lượt khách du lịch quốc tế trên toàn thế giới đạt 1,04 tỷ vào năm 2012.

Tuy nhiên, (3) ........... số lượng lớn ......... khách du lịch đang bắt đầu gây ra vấn đề. Ví dụ, ở dãy Alps, hàng ngàn người trượt tuyết đang (4) ....... phá hủy ............. những ngọn núi mà họ đến để thưởng ngoạn. Ngay cả những phần của Đỉnh Everest trên dãy Himalaya cũng được báo cáo là đã được bao phủ (5) ....... với ............. hộp đựng thức ăn cũ, lều và các thiết bị đã được (6) ... ném ................ đi. Vào thời điểm mà chúng ta có nhiều quyền tự do đi du lịch (7) ........... hơn bao giờ hết, ngày càng có nhiều người hỏi làm thế nào để họ có thể tận hưởng những ngày nghỉ của mình ( 8) ............ mà không....... gây ra thiệt hại cho các điểm đến của họ.

Bây giờ có một hướng dẫn kỳ nghỉ mới (9) ....... được gọi là ............. "Những ngày lễ không làm tốn kém trái đất". Nó cho bạn biết làm thế nào bạn có thể trở thành một khách du lịch có trách nhiệm bằng cách hỏi đại lý du lịch của bạn hoặc (10) cố vấn du lịch của bạn............ những câu hỏi phù hợp trước khi bạn đặt kỳ nghỉ .

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Trần Khánh Huyền
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Thu Hồng
17 tháng 8 2021 lúc 22:25

VI. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each question;

Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is located in the eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving nature. Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed in the world. Brazil is a federal republic with 23 states. The capital city is Brasilia. Portuguese is the official language and it is spoken with a distinct Brazilian accent. Brazil has population of over 138 million, which is made of people of many different races and ethnic groups. A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships, machines, and military weapons. Mining is also an important industry. Agriculture is another important industry. Many crops are exported including coffee (Brazil is the largest coffee grower in the world), cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn and fruit.


(Brazil, quốc gia lớn nhất ở Nam Mỹ và là quốc gia lớn thứ năm trên thế giới, nằm ở nửa phía đông của Nam Mỹ. Người dân Brazil nổi tiếng với bản tính hòa đồng, thân thiện và vui vẻ. Phụ nữ Brazil được coi là một trong những người mặc đẹp nhất thế giới. Brazil là một nước cộng hòa liên bang với 23 tiểu bang. Thành phố thủ đô là Brasilia. Tiếng Bồ Đào Nha là ngôn ngữ chính thức và nó được nói với một giọng Brazil riêng biệt. Brazil có dân số hơn 138 triệu người, bao gồm những người thuộc nhiều chủng tộc và dân tộc khác nhau. Một số sản phẩm công nghiệp được sản xuất ở Brazil, bao gồm ô tô, hóa chất, tàu thủy, máy móc và vũ khí quân sự. Khai thác cũng là một ngành công nghiệp quan trọng. Nông nghiệp là một ngành quan trọng khác. Nhiều loại cây trồng được xuất khẩu bao gồm cà phê (Brazil là nước trồng cà phê lớn nhất trên thế giới), bông, đậu nành, đường, ca cao, gạo, ngô và trái cây.)


1. Who are considered to be among the best dressed in the world?

A. Brazilian men                     B. Brazilians                C. Americans              D. Brazilian women

2. How are the people of Brazil?

A. Outgoing, famous, and natural.                 B. Outgoing, friendly, and natural.

C. Outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving.           D. Famous, friendly, and fun-loving.

3. The word “rice” in line 11 is closest in meaning to            .

A. a kind of vegetables           B. a kind of grains      C. a kind of meat          D. a kind of drinks

4. What is the most significant agricultural product in Brazil?

A. cocoa                                  B. coffee                     C. corn                        D. cotton


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Thu Hồng
17 tháng 8 2021 lúc 22:27

VII. Choose one suitable word which best fits each gap of the passage.(3 points)

            Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find (1) …….. Most music includes people (2) …….. their voice or (3) …… musical instruments, such as a piano, a guitar, or drums. People can enjoy music by (4) ……. to it. They can go to the (5) …….to hear musicians perform. Classical music is usually (6) ………in concert halls, but sometimes huge ( 7) ……… are organized in which it is performed outside, in a field or a stadium, like pop festivals. People can listen to music on CDs, computers, Ipods, televisions, radios, cassettes/recordplayers and even (8) …… People can learn to play a musical instrument such as the piano, the guitar, the bass, the trumpet, the drums, or the flute. Anyone can make up his or her own (9) ….. of music. It is not difficult to (10) …… simple  songs  or melodies, but it is easier for those who can play an instrument themselves.

1.      A. interest                  B. interesting (thú vị)              C.interested                D. interests

2.      A. saying                   B. thinking                  C. singing                    D. telling

3.      A. playing                  B. singing                    C. doing                      D. making

4.      A. writing                  B. typing                     C. listening                  D. chatting

5.      A.d (buổi hòa nhạc)                B. plays                       C. dramas                    D. movies

6.      A. done                      B. performed (biểu diễn)              C. read                                    D. made

7.      A. songs                     B. meetings                 C. festivals                  D. classes

8.      A. books                    B. mobiles                   C. songs                      D. poems

9.      A. piece  (of music: mẩu nhạc)                   B. unit                         C. part                         D. lesson

10.  A. do                                     B. compose (sáng tác)                 C. say                          D. make          

VIII. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. (3 points)

                                                CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND

            In England, children get their presents (1) ......on...... Christmas Eve, the 24th of December. Father Christmas comes at (2) ...night.....when everyone is asleep. His (3) ......reindeer..... can fly and take him from house to house to ( 4) ...give.....all the gifts. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Father Christmas (5) ...climbs....down the chimney to leave the presents (6) ...under......the Christmas tree. In the morning of Christmas Day, the 25th of December, children usually get up very early to unwrap their (7) ...presents....... Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys. Christmas dinner is served (8) ..in....... the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey, sprouts and loads of other vegetables, not forgetting Christmas(9) ...pudding....... The 26th of December is called Boxing Day. It has not always been a holiday. People used to go back to work on that day where their bosses gave them little Christmas presents in small boxes. That is (10) ...why....... the day is called Boxing Day.

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Đỗ Thanh Hải
18 tháng 9 2021 lúc 19:20

    The quality of life these days is something most of us take for (1) .................... . It takes some radically different experience to (2) .................... this fact home to people. In my (3) ...................., it was spending three weeks on a yacht with twelve other people, competing in a major sailing race. (4) .................... I was officially a guess, it was made clear to me from the start that there was to be no (5) .................... for passengers, and that I’d have to work as (6) .................... as others.

                        For the first (7) .................... nights, none of us was able to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time before being rudely (8) .................... by an aggressive command. Then we’d do physically exhausting work in total darkness. I shared sleeping compartment with six (9) .................... women, with barely enough room to stretch  my legs.  Soon I found myself dreaming of my (10) .................... sheets back home, a hot chocolate and a warm bath.


           1.         A. given                             B. accepted                       C. granted                        D. admitted

           2.         A. bring                              B. push                               C. take                               D. fetch

           3.         A. example                       B. sample                           C. instance                       D. experience

           4.         A. Although                      B. Despite                         C. However                     D. In spite

           5.         A. position                        B. job                                  C. work                             D. room

           6.         A. hard                               B. hardly                             C. fastly                             D. good

           7.         A. a few                             B. few                                 C. a little                           D. little

           8.         A. got up                           B. woke up                       C. awoken                       D. getting up

           9.         A. other                             B. the other                      C. another                       D. one another

           10.A. convenient                        B. comfortable                C. comfortably               D. conveniently

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Quang Nhân
9 tháng 4 2021 lúc 22:03

1, A. scholar     B. master     C. body     D. authority

2, A. put forward     B. set up     C. picked up     D. brought out

3, A. imagined     B. devised     C. conceived     D. formulated

4, A. cluster     B. converge     C. group     D. rally

5A. say      B. tell      C. speak      D. remark

6A. sequel      B. upshot     C. follow-up      D. consequence

7A. corresponded      B. paralleled      C. correlated      D. equated

8A. raise      B. magnify      C. enhance      D. heighten

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Đào Thu Hiền
23 tháng 2 2021 lúc 21:27

1. B

2. C

3. C

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. D


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Đỗ Thanh Hải
28 tháng 3 2021 lúc 13:42

In one study conducted in 2016, samples of laughter from (1) _________ of English-speaking students (2) _________ at the University of California, Santa Cruz. A team made up of more than 30 (3) __________ scientists, anthropologists, and biologists then played these recordings to listeners from 24 (4) __________ societies, from indigenous tribes in New Guinea to city-dwellers in India and Europe. Participants were asked (5) __________ they thought the people laughing were friends or strangers. On average, the results were remarkably consistent: worldwide, people’s guesses were correct approximately 60% of the time.

  Researchers (6) __________ that different types of laughter serve as codes to complex human social hierarchies. A team led by Christopher Oveis from the University of California, San Diego, found that (7) __________ individuals had different laughs from low-status individuals and that strangers’ judgments of an individual’s social status (8) ____________ by the dominant or submissive quality of their laughter. In their study, 48 male college students (9) _____________  to groups of four, with each group (10) _____________ two low-status members, who had just joined their college fraternity group, and two high-status members, older students who had been active in the fraternity for at least two years.

1, A. couples          B. combines         C. put together         D. pairs

2, A. have recorded         B. recorded      C. were recorded          D. being recorded

3, A. intellectual        B. spiritual        C. psychological         D. physical

4, A. diverse          B. various        C. miscellaneous         D. disparate

5, A. that     B. whether     C. jeopardize        D. when

6, A. were further found     B. were found      C. had thus found      D. have also found

7, A. exalted      B. high-status    C. high-position    D. higher-reputation

8, A. were influenced      B. were affected     C. was being influenced    D. has been impacted

9, A. were eventually assigned    B. were randomly allocated     C. were randomly assigned 

10, A. inclusive of      B. comprised      C. incorporated       D. composed of

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Chương Phan
Xem chi tiết
minh nguyet
18 tháng 9 2021 lúc 7:25

1. a. each of home

b. all of homes

c. most homes

d. almost homes

2. a. to watch

b. seeing

c. watching

d.  watch

3. a. Despite

b. Yet

c. Although

d. But

4. a. So that

b. Though

c. In addition

d. In fact

5. a. on

b. to

c. of

d. about

6. a. The first

b. Firstly of all

c. After all

d. First of all

7. a. by

b. of

c. with

d. to

8. a. be

b. take place

c. happen

d. work

9. a. After all

b. Therefore

c. But

d. Whereas

10. a. fearful

b. frightened

c. frightening

d. fearlessness

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Đỗ Thanh Hải
2 tháng 10 2021 lúc 20:52

1 C 

2 D 

3 C 

4 B 

5 A  

6 D 

7 A 

8 C

9 B

10 C 

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